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Welcome everyone to your first blogging assignment. As you might have noticed in the title of this post, you'll have to write about a country you'd like to visit. In order to accomplish this task, you'll have to answer the following questions:

1. Which country would you like to go to? Why?
2. What do you know about it?
3. What would you like to do there?
4. Would you like to study / work / live there? Explain.
5. Upload pictures

Don't forget that:
1. You have to leave comments on 3 of your classmates' posts and another on mine too.
2. Your text should have no less than 160 words.

Heart of language and culture

It's hard to believe that a teacher of English has never been to an English speaking country. Well, I'm a teacher of English who's never travelled abroad, but who's always wanted to visit England. 

I’d like to visit it because England is the birthplace of English. Believe it or not, the English that people speak there today is quite different from the English that was spoken long ago. If you were to read Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, the first bestseller in the English language, someone would have to explain to you what many words mean.

Another important reason why I'd like to visit it is because I consider this country's contributions to literature and music important. It's hard to imagine what my teenage years would have been like without J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter, or English performers such as The Beatles.

If I go there someday, the first thing I’ll do is to explore London, since this city is full of monuments, historic buildings and other interesting sights such as The Tower of London.
Second, I’ll travel around the country and visit other remarkable places like Stonehenge, Britain's most famous prehistoric monument, or the Cotswolds, a popular tourist area, famous for its beautiful scenery and pretty towns. I’d love to stay there for a long time, maybe a year, so that I could meet people and know more about their culture.

Well, I hope that one day my dream and also yours come true.


  1. London is a beautiful place, I hope i can visit it some day to.

  2. Hi teacher, England is a really beautiful country, if a one day of my life go there I will go to the camps of England. Personally, i don't like the City of London because the weather of the city is so sad because always is cloudy. But the buildings and history of the city is awesome.

    1. Do you mean the fields of Ebgland? They certainly are a beauty! :)

  3. Hello miss, thank you for shearing this blog!
    I've heard that Stonehenge is not just incredible, but has a mystery behind, I would like to visit too.
    I do hope your dream of visiting England come true!

    1. Absolutely! There are some theories about its origin and purpose. Some o them are, for example, that it was used as an astronomical computer for predicting eclipses and solar events, a place where ancestors were worshipped, or a cult centre for healing.
      The interpretation of Stonehenge which is most generally accepted, however, is that of a prehistoric temple aligned with the movements of the sun. :O

  4. Hello teacher! It looks like an interesting and beautiful place :o It seems great to me that you mention the contribution to literature and music.
    I hope that your dream comes true too!

  5. After reading the post I have a lot of curiosity about the Stonhenge, it is very beautiful prehistoric monument and very insteresting the forms of the rocks. London seems to be the nice place to visit.

  6. I think that UK is a very intresting country in terms of the influence on music and culture that it has had in the last decades. The punk culture on the 70´s and 80´s was so big and make real statments in the public opinion about political and social issues in the England society, that was replicated in the rest of the worl as well. Even today we can see some of that influence, for example two of my favourite bands in the world are The 1975 and Wolf Alice (Both of them from UK), they still have a punk vibe in the sound and the lyrics too. I´ll really like to go and learn more about the culture and forhaves, go to some concert maybe.

  7. Hello miss, I think that England is a very beautiful place (also I want to visit), I like their fantasia (Like elf, fairy), my little sister want to go to live there in the future because she like the weather and the lenguaje

  8. I want to visit England for the feeling of being in a cottagecore life and if I have the capacity of finding a real fairy. Also, learning about celtic culture could be an awesome desition, I know is not a dead culture and has a curious mythology.

  9. Hi teacher! I find very interesting the artistic and literary value that stands out and values. It is certainly a place that must be visited at some point.

  10. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  11. I find it incredible that he likes the country so much, I personally do not like its climate but reading his blog I realize that he has many good things. Radiohead is a British band and I would like you to listen to these 2 songs and tell me which one you liked the most
    "jigsaw falling into place"
    "weird fishes"

  12. England is a very beautiful country. I love the weather they have.

  13. Hi miss, I'd like to go to England too because of the beautiful places there, like the London Eye, the Big Ben and to visit all the places that J.K Rowling was inspired to write Harry Potter books. However I don't like the weather beacuse it´s too cold a rainy.
    Thanks for sharing your blog, greetings.

  14. England is an incredible place, I know it for some of its musical bands (one direction), and for the structural beauty that this country has, I hope I could go.

  15. Lovely words Teacher, I think England is a place I would definitely like to got too :)

  16. Hello miss, I hope in the future can visit England, your affection for that country is very noticeable.

  17. Hi teacher! I think England is a beautiful country. My brother visited it four years ago, and he told me a lot of interesting things about the history and the architecture of London. I hope one day you will go to England!


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